Douglas McIlroy


如果说Unix是计算机文明中最伟大的发明,那么,Unix下的Pipe管道就是跟随Unix所带来的另一个伟大的发明。管道的出现,解决的就是让不同功能的程序可以互相连通通讯,从而可以让软件开发,程序开发更加的“高内聚,低耦合”,从而可以让程序“Do one thing, Do it well”,从而可以让程序“Keep it Simple Stupid”等等,这一哲学引影了一代又一代的软件架构,直到今天的云计算。

管道的发名者叫,Malcolm Douglas McIlroy,他也是Unix的创建者,是Unix文化的缔造者之一。他归纳的Unix哲学如下:



Unix Pipes


  • 10 -
    Summary--what's most important.
    To put my strongest concerns into a nutshell:
  1. We should have some ways of connecting programs like
    garden hose--screw in another segment when it becomes when
    it becomes necessary to massage data in another way.
    This is the way of IO also.
  2. Our loader should be able to do link-loading and
    controlled establishment.
  3. Our library filing scheme should allow for rather
    general indexing, responsibility, generations, data path
  4. It should be possible to get private system components
    (all routines are system components) for buggering around with.

    M. D. McIlroy
    October 11, 1964


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